Edition 33 - December 2008

Sanitation without water becomes mainstream

ImageThe Clay House Project in Namibia has developed a dry-toilet that is gaining wide acceptance among users and Experts alike. The Town of Otjiwarongo is planning to build thousands of “Otji toilets” in the next few years. A group of experts to the European Union recommends the use of dry toilets to resolve sanitation problems of rural and semi-urban Namibia.

Read more: Sanitation without water becomes mainstream

Ferrocement for quick actions after a disaster

Ferrocemento para acciones rápidas después de un desastreIn this third contribution in our series discussing Different experiences in reconstruction projects, the EcoSur E-magazine documents a project proposal for rapid action after a disaster.

Read more: Ferrocement for quick actions after a disaster

Little technological innovations improve the lives of brick burners

Pequeñas innovaciones tecnológicas que mejoran la vida de los ladrilleros en Chambo.The workday of  Cristobal Flores used to start at 3 o´clock in the morning. In the cold of the early morning, at 2800 m over the sea level,  Cristobal mixed the earth deposited in his back yard with sawdust, soaked the mixture and started to trample it to grind and homogenize it, with his bull “Martin”. Four hours later, the mixture was ready to mould and be converted into raw bricks.

Read more: Little technological innovations improve the lives of brick burners

Cuba: rapid recuperation after the disaster

sm_cuba_desastre.jpgFifteen days after hurricane Ike, almost anywhere in Cuba one feels the enormous effort to reestablish normality. Almost half a million houses were damaged and more than 100’000 collapsed totally. Everywhere one can see people repairing roofs and placing fibrocement elements (similar in shape to asbestos-cement).

Read more: Cuba: rapid recuperation after the disaster

New ideas for new constructions!

Ganadores ConcursoAt this time we lance the Project competition for 2009. And, our memory takes us back to the third international EcoMaterials conference in 2005, when the EcoSur Network organized a competition of projects in two categories.

Read more: New ideas for new constructions!

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Kathryn Pozak
Swiss and Canadian
Political Scientist and Journalist
English, Spanish, spoken German.
General concepts and synergies, backstopping, evaluations
