20 Years EcoSur
The Cecat Experience and the story of the Tevi equipment
Cecat, the "Center for Construction and Tropical Architecture at the Technical University of Havana learned about MicroConcrete Roofing (MCR) technology early in 1991. In the midst of the crisis called the special period, it became clear that Cuba would opt for MCR, as national authorities concerned with construction and housing were pleased to encounter a viable roofing alternative.
by Kurt Rhyner
Read more: The Cecat Experience and the story of the Tevi equipment
Means and media: from mule trails to the electronic highway
There are different means to be used for different situations, target groups and types of knowledge. In this realm EcoSur includes the face-to-face contacts of onsite visits, courses and seminars, as well as published material and internet connections. In the southern hemisphere direct personal contact has been the predominant means of communication, but requires tremendous investments of time, energy and resources. At one point in the process of sharing knowledge it is essential, but other or accompanying means must be sought.
Excerpt from an article by Kathryn Pozak in Basin News back in June 2003
Read more: Means and media: from mule trails to the electronic highway
Information and EcoSur: from mule trails to the electronic highway
As mentioned earlier, sharing implies having something to share and not being afraid to share it. The people associated with EcoSur not only take pleasure in sharing information, contributing to the expansion of knowledge in the southern hemisphere (we prefer that designation to "third world", "developing countries", etc,), they also create information.
Excerpt from an article by Kathryn Pozak in Basin News back in June 2003
Read more: Information and EcoSur: from mule trails to the electronic highway
Information and EcoSur: from mule trails to the electronic highway
As mentioned earlier, sharing implies having something to share and not being afraid to share it. The people associated with EcoSur not only take pleasure in sharing information, contributing to the expansion of knowledge in the southern hemisphere (we prefer that designation to "third world", "developing countries", etc,), they also create information.
Excerpt from an article by Kathryn Pozak in Basin News back in June 2003
Read more: Information and EcoSur: from mule trails to the electronic highway
Orlando Espinosa: two decades of MCR technology transfer
Lunch at the Cafe del Jardin in Old Havana...
Orlando Espinosa recently sat down to lunch with us in the Jardin del Oriente in Old Havana, an ideal place to look back on some of the EcoSur experiences of the past two decades. Orlando is perhaps the person with the widest technology transfer experience in the EcoSouth Network, leaving behind functioning workshops and adroit tile-makers throughout Latin America, Africa and Asia.
by Kathryn Pozak
Read more: Orlando Espinosa: two decades of MCR technology transfer