Tile making process in Tevi machine

The basic steps are: mortar making, mortar vibrating, curing, pool curing and drying.

Pictures from Ecomaterials production plant in Riobamba, Ecuador, South America

Cemento portland,
Portland cement, water and sand
La mezcla se vierte sobre
Mortar is poured on the vibrating table
La mezcla se extiende
Mortar is extended
while vibrating
El marco metálico da la forma a
The metalic frame give
the external shape to the tile.
La mezcla vibrada se coloca
The vibrated mortar is then
laid over the plastic mould
La mezcla se cura durante
Tile is cured for 24 hours in the mould
Se desmolda y se cura durante 8 días
Tile is de-moulded and cured for 7 days in curing pools or vapour curing pools
Luego de un curado de 21 días
After 21 days of drying in the shadow,
it is ready to be sold
This is the final product:
A very beautiful roof!
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Teja de MicroConcreto
MicroConcrete Roofing Tile machine
The tevi model TM5 may works with a 12V inverter or with solar panels or a car batery, by itself. A well trained, 2-people team, can produce up to 350 tiles per day
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