Edition 34 - April 2009

Peru: Earquake resistant houses made from adobe

Peru: Earquake resistant houses made from adobeIn this forth contribution in our series discussing different experiences in reconstruction projects, the EcoSur E-magazine documents a Peruvian project aimed at setting the base for earthquake resistant constructions with adobe.  It concentrates on the task to build permanent shelter, respecting the local culture and providing education on how to build safe, but affordable houses. It uses the traditional adobe  technology which was the standard for a good and solid house until some decades ago.  However, in recent times clay based constructions came under much criticism and the propaganda machinery of the cement and steel producers and traders have influenced the popular perception. Today adobe construction is viewed as unsafe and antiquated by most people.

Read more: Peru: Earquake resistant houses made from adobe

Hotel Sierra Maestra: Venue of the 4th international EcoMateriales Conference

sierra_maestra_sm.jpgProviding a cozy and functional venue for the EcoMateriales Conferences has been one of the highlights of the past editions.
On this occasion it is a hotel situated in the heart of the host city Bayamo, the three star Hotel Sierra Maestra, that can accommodate all the participants and has three comfortable sitting rooms/lounges for the work sessions.

Read more: Hotel Sierra Maestra: Venue of the 4th international EcoMateriales Conference

Bayamo - site of EcoMaterials Conference IV

bayamo_001_sm.jpgBayamo, capital city of Granma, one of the country´s fourteen provinces, is located in the eastern part of the Republic of Cuba, the zone most related to the independence movement as well as the revolutionary struggle. Also known as the “La Ciudad Antorcha” (City of Torches) as it burned on two occasiones, San Salvador de Bayamo is the second villa in Cuba, founded November 5, 1513 by Diego Velázquez. The favorable navegation conditions of the Rio Bayamo that passes through the city, allowed the villa to flourish rapidly, along with Santiago de Cuba, which was capital of the colony at that time.

Read more: Bayamo - site of EcoMaterials Conference IV

Ecology in caricatures

firma_martirena.jpgHumor about the ecological problems that endanger our planet should be black humor…one of the outstanding lines from the well known Cuban humorist Alfredo Martirena. For more than 10 years he has illustrated the publications of the EcoSur network and of allied organizations. He manages to give form to his profound concerns about what happens, but at the same time crops up his love of childhood and his hopes that the new generations can change the fatal path. In this edition we are pleased to present some of Martirena’s drawings on the theme of ecology...

Read more: Ecology in caricatures

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Wilfredo Santana
Business Administrator
Project management, operational setup of projects, control mechanisms (financial and administration)


Molino de lodo: testimonio
Earth mill for fired clay bricks - Testimony (spanish only)
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