October 2002
Congress about Construction in Earth and Clay
The German association about construction with earth and clay, Dachverband-Lehm e.V., organized an international congress to celebrate its tenth anniversary. We decided to participate in order to become acquainted with the points of view of German practitioners and make contact with other people interested in the theme.
MCR Exposure Course and Networking in Cameroon
The MCR exposure and training course held in Cameroon at the end of August was able to build upon a solid base at COTECC, a technical training college in Bafut, in the North West Highlands of Cameroon. Their MCR Development Program of which this MCR exposure course forms part, arose out of a long collaboration between the Meilen-Bafut Foundation in Switzerland and COTECC, a technical training college in Bafut, in the North West Highlands of Cameroon.
From The Ecuadorian Andes to the Swiss Alps
Back in Ecuador, but with the impressions provoked by the magnificence of the Swiss Alps still fresh in my mind, I sit down at my desk and take this opportunity to share with the readers of Escoouth what has been done in Switzerland to keep forests alive, which is the same as to think about tomorrow.