September 2003

SofoNic – Environmental problems (part 2)

Oxana Delgadillo & Livio Gonzalez   

"Remember, we have not inherited the world from our ancestors,
rather, we have received it on loan from our children.”

Drought, exhausted or infertile soils, high costs of agricultural inputs (fertilizer and pesticides), along with low prices for farm products, intensified by the limited resources of the producers leads to inefficient use of these inputs or agricultural practices, resulting in low levels of productivity and profitability. Other difficulties are the high incidence of plagues and diseases, as well as the scarcity of feed for livestock during the dry periods.

Read more: SofoNic – Environmental problems (part 2)

CIDEM – Involving students in research

CIDEM is a dynamic research institute at the University of Las Villas in Santa Clara, Cuba. Most of the students in the tenth semester of either Architecture or Civil Engineering choose to focus their final research project on themes related to “ecomaterials” or on the broader themes of sustainable housing, potentials and costs in construction. Guided by a competent and engaged team of professors they have been delving into various themes concerning alternative cement, solid fuel bricks, MCR, and adobe.

Read more: CIDEM – Involving students in research

Dynamic Regions

Kathryn Pozak   

The housing deficit in southern countries is increasing steadily, as is migration to urban areas, while imports either from abroad or from urban centers remain the order of the day in the construction materials sector.

Read more: Dynamic Regions

Bicycles have an impact in Carazo, Nicaragua

Martin Melendez   

Bicycles have become something of a tradition in the department of Carazo, forming part of the local culture. Students, workers, women, even the elderly mobilize themselves with this environmentally friendly means of transport.

Read more: Bicycles have an impact in Carazo, Nicaragua

The chain of commercialization

It is difficult because of time and distance to meet directly, so the EcoSouth Network in Ecuador permanently keeps up individual contact with most MCR producers. These producers are located in disperse places, although in populated areas, so the main via of communication is the telephone, as e-mail access is quite limited.

Read more: The chain of commercialization

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Marcos MacancheMarcos Macanche
Spanish, some english
Architectural design, project implementation and management, EcoMaterials production


Teja de MicroConcreto
MicroConcrete Roofing Tile machine
The tevi model TM5 may works with a 12V inverter or with solar panels or a car batery, by itself. A well trained, 2-people team, can produce up to 350 tiles per day
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