When the flow of oil stopped (III): The reforms

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in June
1990, Cubans were uncertain about what the
future would bring for them. The first reaction of
the government to the unexpected crisis was to
encourage savings, above all in energy and
commodities, until the country could return to a
“business as usual” situation. Many thought the
Special Period would be a temporary situation,
with an estimated length of about 2-3 years.
However the unfolding of events indicated that it
would take years for Cuba to return to the level of
social and economic development achieved
during the 1980s.

Cuando cesó el flujo del petróleo (III): Las reformas

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in June 1990, Cubans were uncertain about what the future would bring for them. The first reaction of the government to the unexpected crisis was to encourage savings, above all in energy and commodities, until the country could return to a “business as usual” situation. 

Many thought the Special Period would be a temporary situation, with an estimated length of about 2-3 years. However the unfolding of events indicated that it would take years for Cuba to return to the level of social and economic development achieved during the 1980s.

Chapter 3: The reforms - By Fernando Martirena -   3_the_reforms.pdf 1.18 Mb 

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Estuardo QuispilloEstuardo Quispillo
Constructions technician
Expert in construction and operation of the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln, VSBK (HVC, Horno Vertical Contínuo)
Installation, training and setup of workshops of MicroConcrete Roofing tiles


EcoMateriales: Teja de MicroConcreto y Paneles de FerroCemento

The EcoSur network presents a short professional video on two major technologies, the Ferrocement panels and the Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles. Filmed in Nicaragua and Salvador, it shows production and application and gives a summary overview of those two materials that have a relatively small ecological footprint and have widely proven to be sustainable in the three classical dimensions ecology, economy and social acceptance.

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