Upcoming news

Getting fit...

The english website is getting upgraded to the new version of our content management system. Please apologize us for how does it looks.

We will be up and running as soon as possible


EcoSur team

CIDEM nominated for the “Energy Globe Award”

 CIDEM nominado para el “Energy Globe Award”“EcoMaterials in Social Housing projects” is the title of the presentation by CIDEM, leading member of the EcoSouth network. The award ceremony takes place in Prague (Czech Republic) on April 14 as part of the meeting of the Ministers of Environment of the European Union.

The finalists were chosen from more than 800 projects on a globals scale... and the direct competitors for CIDEM are a project in Chile and another in Switzerland. Fernando Martirena will attend the ceremony in his function as principal author of the project and director of CIDEM and hopefully be the winner of the award.

Trees and flyer miles

The consultants of the EcoSouth network are frequent travelers....by road and by air. They also contribute to the climatic changes and therefore are called upon to counteract wherever possible. The CO2 produced by an aircraft per 1,000 Km and per passenger roughly is equivalent to the amount that will be absorbed by a tree. Therefore Grupo Sofonias has decided to plant (and care for) a tree for every 1,000 Km that any of its personnel flies....starting today. All readers are invited to join this action and report it here. 

New phone numbers

The Customer Service Centre has a new phone number:

 (++ 593.9) 764 2740


Wilfredo Santana
Business Administrator
Project management, operational setup of projects, control mechanisms (financial and administration)


In 2005, SofoNic has started a dual education program for masons in Nicaragua, using its house-building programs as a base. Teaming up with the local technical school in Jinotepe they are graduating about ten masons every year since. Most f them have found jobs in construction or have started a business on their own. SofoNic has contracted several of them as master masons in the reconstruction programs in Haiti.