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Post disaster reconstruction, 1755 – 2014: Have we really learned any lessons?

Reconstrucción post-desastre 1755-2014: ¿Realmente hemos aprendido algo?

Are there lessons to be learnt from past disaster reconstruction?
This paper looks at two historical events and tries to make bridges to the situation 250 years later. It focuses on two very different events both of which created new ways of dealing with catastrophes, an earthquake that destroyed a world capital and a fire that destroyed a small rural town. While it is difficult to draw lessons from one historical period to another and from one situation to the next, it is disturbing to see that today we seem to be unable to live up to the proclaimed goals “sustainability” and “build back better”whenever a catastrophe hits.

Download the document: Post disaster: Learned lessons (PDF, 3.9 Mbytes)

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Charlotter BelliCharlotte Belli
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EcoMateriales: Teja de MicroConcreto y Paneles de FerroCemento

The EcoSur network presents a short professional video on two major technologies, the Ferrocement panels and the Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles. Filmed in Nicaragua and Salvador, it shows production and application and gives a summary overview of those two materials that have a relatively small ecological footprint and have widely proven to be sustainable in the three classical dimensions ecology, economy and social acceptance.

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