School renovations in the north of Nicaragua.
Through a partnership between the city of Saarlouis, southwest Germany, and Matiguás, north of Nicaragua, a school located in San Carlos, Pancasán, was remodeled as the first part of a project funded through DESWOS.

The small school of San Carlos, 200 km northwest from the capital of Nicaragua, receives 65 children who attend classes in the morning and afternoon. With the improvement of the infrastructure is expected that next year, the numbre of children increases and, because electricity and lighting were fixed, is expected to start classes with the adults of this region.
Because of the winds in the area where the school is located there and the deficient quality of the roof, the zinc plates of the school flown through the air on three occasions. Besides fixing the roof, glasses in the windows were installed, the floor in the classrooms and the pit toilettes were repaired and a general improvement to the existing infrastructure was done.

Thanks to the commitment of parents and students, in cooperation with the Municipality and communitary work, resources were optimized and much more that what expected was achieved with the budget assigned.
The major of Matiguás, Napoleón Zeledón, opens the school of San Carlos
On October 30 of 2010, with the mayor of Matiguás, representatives of the funders, representatives of the donors and from the city of Saarlouis, the remodelled school of San Carlos was presented to the community in a simple but moving ceremony at the site.
The second part of the project includes the construction of a brand new school in La Cusuca, in the same area of Pancasán, with a preschool classroom, two multiple use classrooms, a playground and a communitary kitchen for school lunches sponsored by the Nicaraguan state.
This small intervention involving the whole community needs to be replicated in other areas to ensure dgnifying conditions of the main protagonists of the future of Nicaragua.
School renovations in the north of Nicaragua.
Through a partnership between the city of Saarlouis, southwest Germany, and Matiguás, north of Nicaragua, a school located in San Carlos, Pancasán, was remodeled as the first part of a project funded through DESWOS.
The small school of San Carlos, 200 km northwest from the capital of
Nicaragua, receives 65 children who attend classes in the morning and afternoon.
With the improvement of the infrastructure is expected that next year, the numbre of children increases and, because electricity and lighting were fixed, is expected to start classes with the adults of this region.
Because of the winds in the area where the school is located there and the deficient quality of the roof, the zinc plates of the school flown through the air on three occasions. Besides fixing the roof, glasses in the windows were installed, the floor in the classrooms and the pit toilettes were repaired and a general improvement to the existing infrastructure was done.
Thanks to the commitment of parents and students, in cooperation with the
Municipality and communitary work, resources were optimized and much more that what expected was achieved with the budget assigned.
On October 30 of 2010, with the mayor of Matiguás, representatives of the
funders, representatives of the donors and from the city of Saarlouis, the remodelled school of San Carlos was presented to the community in a simple but moving ceremony at the site.
The second part of the project includes the construction of a brand new
school in La Cusuca, in the same area of Pancasán, with a preschool
classroom, two multiple use classrooms, a playground and a communitary kitchen
for school lunches sponsored by the Nicaraguan state.
This small intervention involving the whole community needs to be
replicated in other areas to ensure dgnifying conditions of the main protagonists of the future of Nicaragua.