Rebuilding schools in Haiti

After the earthquake in Haiti, the village of Liancourt, 100 km north of Port au Prince, has received thousands of people returning from the capital to his hometown. The homes that were occupied only by an elderly couple now have 8 or 10 people because the children with their wives, husbands and grandchildren have returned from the big cities devastated by the earthquake.
This sudden increase in population has put great pressure on the public service systems, including education.

Reconstruyendo casas en Haití

The DABALOR Association is buiding an edification that in the morning will serve the community as an elementary school and in the evening will train teachers. Red EcoSur, through its office in Nicaragua, made the floorplans and planning of the construction. The school will have 4 classrooms on the first floor, and five in the second floor.


EcoSur specialists, after the structural and functional analysis, introduced in the structre an element that is uncommon in Haiti: The top or tie beam from column to column.

In Haiti, the construction method usually ignores the top beams and the slab is laid directly on the columns. This means that, in an earthquake, the cohesion forces are not properly passed from the wall to the slab and vice versa, making the columns collapse. This type of fault can be clearly seen in buildings in Port au Prince where an entire floor disappeared because the columns did not support the stress of the earthquake.

In red, the second floor dissapeared due to the collapse of the columns

This school will be operational in January and will solve the shortage of professional teachers that all the area needs. El Ing. Franklin Martínez, de EcoSur Nicaragua en los terrenos de la escuela DABALOR en LianCourtBesides, the elementary school will educate the children who returned to his hometown with their parents.

This intervention of EcoSur Network is just the beginning of a much larger project that includes homes with ferrocement panels, PFC, in order to solve the problem of overcrowded housing throughout the whole area of Liancourt.

At right: Eng. Franklin Martínes from EcoSur Nicaragua at fieldwork in the DABALOR's construction site

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