Dry Toilets in El Salvador

inodoro_seco_salvadorThrough a South-Souht technology and information exchange, the first Dry Toilet was built in El Salvador (and the first in all Central America), in a housing project built by the Cooperative Asociation in Savings and Credit Solidary Women, ACAMS, in the town of Tejutepeque.

Estuardo Quispillo, head of the Constructions Departament from Red EcoSur Ecuador, flew to El Salvador for a week, from august 16th to 20th, 2010, to give an assesment in Dry Toilets and build the first one in a new settlement, 10 km away from Tejutepeque.

This first dry toilet is built inside a 60-house housing project financed throug Red EcoSur by the German organization DESWOS (Map: Tejutepeque, El Salvador).

The constructive system used was FerroCement Panels, PFC, MicroConcrete Roofing tiles, MCR, and bricks. The combined use of this technologies allows to build constructions suitable to the climate of this place, built very fast, long lasting and sismic-resistant.

People from the construction department of EcoSur Nicaragua also attended this training, and will take the Dry Toilet technology to their country. Imelda Flores, ACAMS main officer, is very sure that this technology transfer is a good example of how effective is the South-South collaboration: The Dry Toilet technology was transfered from Namibia to Ecuador. From Nicaragua to El Salvador, the FerroCement Panels and MicroConcrete Roofin tiles was transfered. Everything got together in the small town of Tejutepeque in the smallest country of the Americas, to solve the housing problem to the most needed.

Inodoros secos en El Salvador

You are here: Home Edition 37 Dry Toilets in El Salvador


Javier GilJavier Gil
Topography Engineer, Spain
Spanish, english, french
Project management, construction, budgeting, training


Teja de MicroConcreto
MicroConcrete Roofing Tile machine
The tevi model TM5 may works with a 12V inverter or with solar panels or a car batery, by itself. A well trained, 2-people team, can produce up to 350 tiles per day
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