When the flow of oil stopped: Prelude
How the crisis called "The Special Period" affected Cubans after the collapse of socialism in Eastern Eurpoe is the focus of reflections upon those times by Fernando Martirena with Kurt Rhyner, both key players and motors of the EcoSur Network.
Over the years the Swiss architect Rhyner, a founder of Grupo Sofonias, and the Cuban engineer Martirena, a founder of CIDEM, have kept up a systematic and friendly interaction in the process of technology development and implementation, an interaction that has progressed as “learning by doing”. Practical applications in the area of housing are a result. Connecting science with practice is a path....a path toward the sustainable Habitat.
The EcoSur Network wishes to share these experiences in celebration of its 20th anniversary and will publish their reflections as a series in www.EcoSur.org
Chapter 1: Prelude - by Fernando Martirena - Chapter 1: Prelude 346.28 Kb